Saturday 10 October 2020


My attention was been drawn to some bloggers' comments about the credibility of our medicine.  I like to state here clearly that nothing could be further from the truth than these unfortunate remarks. They are just about three patients who have contacted me whose herbal medicine was a bit delayed by custom and took time before it was returned to me, it was later resent and received the package. It would be heartless to hit people who are already down on the ground with this horrible diagnosis. I wouldn't have seen it but a concerned patient sent me the links. Those that are currently on my medicine for this year alone are more than a thousand. I am committed to helping the Mental Health Society in any way I can. Nothing would be more absurd than having to perpetrate evil against mental patients, their families or their caregivers. I am a very trustworthy honest man and will never say what I can't offer. My herbal medicine is now approved worldwide and no longer affected by custom because of its obvious efficacy. No matter where on earth you live. We are the leaves of one branch, the drops of one sea, the flowers of one garden.

1 comment:

  1. Estimado Dr. Justin:
    Le escribo por enésima vez. No cesaré hasta verificar si consummo trata de forma natural, efectivamente, mi esquizofrenia.Le ruego contactar con alguien en España que lo haya probado y me cuente su experiencia personal. Si es así, sin dudar probaré yo mismo consummo. Pero esto es muy serio, le ruego comprenda.
    Un abrazo
