Thursday 15 December 2022


My son was diagnosed with schizophrenia 5years ago, It starts off very similar to depression, you feel tired, unmotivated, and sometimes numb. Then he’ll begin to get confused, things didn't seem like they used to be. Then eventually he’ll begin hearing voices and possibly other types of hallucinations. Let me just summarize it as "a series of life-threatening symptoms of hallucinations, delusion, and depression".

He was a very bright and intelligent student in college but with schizophrenia, these aspirations are altered, and our expectations, hopes, and dreams for him go down the drain. He dropped out of college.  We then started with rigorous therapies, antipsychotic medications, and some controversial alternative treatments which didn't improve his condition. These challenges give us wounds, emotionally, mentally, and physically. There is no antipsychotic medicine we were not prescribed. Sometimes, we waited for the equivalent of a heart attack- the suicides, the overdoses, or violent outbursts- to occur before we do anything. We fought to find the best medical and rehabilitation services available but none of them seem to be effective.
The first time I heard about Consummo Herbs was in 2019 from a NAMI friend which I recently join, I have been a productive member of the society. I volunteer at church, have friends, and I’m a peer mentor and a mom. It was like finding calm in the chaos. Then quickly we started the treatment and gradually we began to see the improvement.I take the treatment seriously. He was no longer isolated, and all the symptoms of hallucinations, delusion, and depression subsided, begin eating and sleeping well.

Today, it has been 2years since my son recovered after taking Consummo treatment without any treatment, he is now living a complete, normal, healthy life and has returned to college. I understand the hopelessness, and loneliness millions of other caregivers are going through to make their loved ones live a meaningful and satisfying life. I'm purpose driven and want to take the time to encourage those on NAMI never to give up, It is not my intent to persuade or convince anyone, nor should it be considered a replacement for sound medical advice but rather for people to know there is an optional treatment, completely natural and has no side effects.  While everyone's journey is unique, numerous patients with paranoid schizophrenia are effectively treated with this mode of treatment.

Recovery from schizophrenia is possible. My son is an example of this possibility. He fought the stigma —not hiding from this world in shame. Let us do whatever we can to support their mental fight to rise above their pain, discrimination, and suffering.

Friday 4 November 2022

Consummo for Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia


Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurologic disorder that causes the brain to shrink and brain cells to die. Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia — a continuous decline in thinking, behavioral and social skills that affect a person's ability to function independently. 
 As many as 5.8 million Americans were living with Alzheimer’s disease. Younger people may get Alzheimer’s disease, but it is less common. The number of people living with the disease doubles every 5 years beyond age 65.

Here are some key details about this condition:

  • Alzheimer’s disease is a chronic (long-term), ongoing condition. It is not a typical sign of aging.
  • Alzheimer’s and dementia aren’t the same things. Alzheimer’s disease is a type of dementia.
  • Its symptoms come on gradually, and the effects on the brain are degenerative, meaning they cause slow decline.
  • Anyone can get Alzheimer’s disease, but certain people are at higher risk for it. This includes people over age 65 and those with a family history of the condition.
  • There’s no single expected outcome for people with Alzheimer’s. Some people live a long time with mild cognitive damage, while others experience a more rapid onset of symptoms and quicker disease progression.
  • Consummo treatment halts the progression of the disease and improves the quality of your life.

Each person’s journey with Alzheimer’s disease is different, no matter the prognosis, Consummo Herbal Treatment is the solution.

Signs and Symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease

Everyone has episodes of forgetfulness from time to time. But people with Alzheimer’s disease display certain ongoing behaviors and symptoms that worsen over time. These can include:

  • The first sign of Alzheimer's disease is usually minor memory problems.

    For example, this could be forgetting about recent conversations or events, and forgetting the names of places and objects.

    As the condition develops, memory problems become more severe and further symptoms can develop, such as:

    • confusion, disorientation, and getting lost in familiar places
    • difficulty planning or making decisions
    • problems with speech and language
    • problems moving around without assistance or performing self-care tasks
    • personality changes, such as becoming aggressive, demanding, and suspicious of others
    • hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that are not there) and delusions (believing things that are untrue)
    • low mood or anxiety

These signs don’t always mean that a person has Alzheimer’s. It’s important to confirm with your Dr first before the treatment.

Symptoms change according to the stage of the disease. In later stages, people with Alzheimer’s often have significant trouble with talking, moving, or responding to what’s happening around them.

What is known about Alzheimer’s Disease?

There likely is not a single cause but rather a several factors that can affect each person differently.

  • Age is the best-known risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer's disease is most common in people over the age of 65

  • Family history—genetics play a role in developing Alzheimer’s disease. However, genes do not equal destiny. If you have an immediate family member who has developed the condition, you’re more likely to get it. Apolipoprotein E (APOE) is a gene that’s been linked to the onset of Alzheimer’s symptoms in older adults 
  • Changes in the brain can begin years before the first symptoms appear.
  • Education, diet, and environment play a role in developing Alzheimer’s disease. A healthy lifestyle may help reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Two large, long-term studies indicate adequate physical activity, a nutritious diet, limited alcohol consumption, and not smoking.
  • Other possible risk factors include a history of cancer, depression, smoking, diabetes, previous traumatic brain injury, and heart disease or cardiovascular disease.

Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease, which means the symptoms will gradually increase over time. There are seven stages, which will be subheaded into three:

Mild Alzheimer’s disease

As Alzheimer’s worsens, people experience greater memory loss and other cognitive difficulties. Problems can include wandering and getting lost, trouble handling money and paying bills, repeating questions, taking longer to complete normal daily tasks, and personality and behavior changes. People are often diagnosed in this stage.

Moderate Alzheimer’s disease

In this stage, damage occurs in areas of the brain that control language, reasoning, conscious thought, and sensory processing, such as the ability to correctly detect sounds and smells. Memory loss and confusion grow worse, and people begin to have problems recognizing family and friends. They may be unable to learn new things, carry out multistep tasks such as getting dressed or cope with new situations. In addition, people at this stage may have hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia and may behave impulsively.

Severe Alzheimer’s disease

Ultimately, plaques and tangles spread throughout the brain, and brain tissue shrinks significantly. People with severe Alzheimer’s cannot communicate and are completely dependent on others for their care. Near the end of life, the person may be in bed most or all of the time as the body shuts down.

As a person progresses through these stages, they’ll need increasing support from their caregivers. However, with Consummo treatment, the progression can be halted and patients begin to live a better life.


People with Alzheimer's disease can live for several years after they start to develop symptoms. But this can vary considerably from person to person.

Alzheimer's disease is a life-limiting illness, many people diagnosed with the condition will die from it or another cause.

As Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurological condition, it can cause problems with swallowing. This can lead to aspiration (food being inhaled into the lungs), which can cause frequent chest infections.

It's also common for people with Alzheimer's disease to eventually have difficulty eating and have a reduced appetite.

All these outlooks can easily be resolved with Consummo Herbal Treatment.

Alzheimer's and the brain

Microscopic changes in the brain begin long before the first signs of memory loss.

The brain has 100 billion nerve cells (neurons). Each nerve cell connects with many others to form communication networks. Groups of nerve cells have special jobs. Some are involved in thinking, learning, and remembering. Others help us see, hear and smell.

To do their work, brain cells operate like tiny factories. They receive supplies, generate energy, construct equipment and get rid of waste. Cells also process and store information and communicate with other cells. Keeping everything running requires coordination as well as large amounts of fuel and oxygen.

Alzheimer's disease prevents parts of a cell's factory from running well. There is a real factory, backups, and breakdowns in one system cause problems in other areas. As damage spreads, cells lose their ability to do their jobs and, eventually die, causing irreversible changes in the brain.

How does Alzheimer's disease affect the brain?

Changes in the brain may begin a decade or more before symptoms appear. During this very early stage of Alzheimer’s, toxic changes are taking place in the brain, including abnormal buildups of proteins that form amyloid plaques and tau tangles. Previously healthy neurons stop functioning, lose connections with other neurons, and die. Many other complex brain changes are thought to play a role in Alzheimer’s as well.

The damage initially appears to take place in the hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex, which are parts of the brain that are essential for forming memories. As more neurons die, additional parts of the brain are affected and begin to shrink. By the final stage of Alzheimer’s, the damage is widespread and brain tissue has shrunk significantly.

It's the destruction and death of nerve cells that causes memory failure, personality changes, problems carrying out daily activities, and other symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.


CONSUMMO halts or stops the further progression of the condition, helps prevent further worsening of memory, and also helps treat attending depression, anxiety, and mood swings. It repairs all 
nerve cells or vessels, tissues, or organs of the body wherever such is found. These medicines are of natural origin and treat Alzheimer's disease in a very safe, effective manner without any side effects. These medicines are selected individually for every case based on the symptom picture. While the treatment is ongoing, the following will speed up the recovery, you must;

  • Quit smoking. If you smoke, quitting benefits your health both immediately and in the long term.
  • Exercise regularly. Getting active reduces the risk of many conditions, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
  • Keep your brain active. Try some cognitive training exercises.
  • Eat well. Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables.
  • Maintain an active social life. Friendships, volunteering, and hobbies will benefit your overall health.

Saturday 13 August 2022

How My Mom's Overcome Alzheimer’s & Dementia with Consummo


My name is Christene. I support the Walk to End Alzheimer’s because as a caregiver I have learned a lot from the association and want to see more public awareness and education about dementia. I have looked after my Mom at home since her Alzheimer's disease diagnosis over 10 years ago. GP referred us to the Cognitive Disorders Clinic at the hospital where she was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. None of us expected Mom’s symptoms to be dementia – she was only 58. Getting a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s or dementia is filled with ups and downs, highs and lows. A journey with an elusive and ever-changing destination. This disease makes me and the whole family so sad. It was a long and painful journey before doctors reached this conclusion.

When I look back now I wonder why it took so long to realise that my Mom was ill. The strange behavior, she became more absentminded - the lapses in memory,  She was having trouble with writing and spelling, became quieter and more withdrawn, She would struggle to find the word she needed in a conversation, the inability to fill out simple forms, were all things that changed so slowly that I acclimatised myself to them all. Initially she was given the drug Aricept but we found it spoiled her sleep.  And later Galantamine suited her much better but no positive improvement before we came across Green Mountains Herbal & Treatment Clinic through a group.

Caring is an all-consuming onerous task but Green Mountains Herbal & Treatment Clinic made that easier and achievable with help of Consummo Herbs. It remains an overriding responsibility and cannot be denied, but the emotional and physical support from friends and family contributed to her quick recovery. It works wonders on her. Our Mom now remains fit and mobile. She sleeps well and her appetite is very healthy. Her speech is coherent. She now had recollection of names and faces, And now has the concept of time or place. Her smile lights up the room. As time passes her world gets better and we are grateful for this.

Wednesday 3 August 2022

Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) cured


My husband Daniel was diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia (FTD) in 2011 at 72 when we noticed his mental decline and forgetfulness, It took a year of endless questions, tests, scans, appointments with psychiatrists, neurologists and doctors.

He was described as being in late stages. After that he had an additional diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. His psychological symptoms include depression and hallucination with aggressive behaviour and overall personality changes,  he was looked after by a palliative care team. The care agency were fantastic in managing the complexities and uncertainties of the disease at the beginning but later was sectioned and taken to a psychiatric hospital with a promise that once the correct drug was found to help Daniel sleep at night he would return home.  This is where our journey really started.  With horrendous side-effects from drugs, a care home that didn’t care, and a forensic hospital.

One of the things that I was never prepared for besides my husband no longer recognising me was the loneliness. Through Daniel’s illness we have lost family who turned their back on us, this in turn has caused psychological problems. It has all been a journey of self-discovery. Dr. Justin' intervention comes at the right time, when all hope was lost, Alzheimer’s wouldn’t have just robbed me of my husband but of my future with him.

The excellent standard care that my husband received through your Herbs gave our family the platform to focus on spreading this information to other caregivers and families here in the country. I'm now free from the stresses of daily feeding, bathing and cleaning, our visits to the Italy are a special moment, we will never forget. If you are considering your choices I hope this helps. However, while on Consummo Herbs, socialising, exercising, eating a healthy diet and keeping your brain active are all very beneficial. Taking the time to look after yourself and build up a support network at the start, can give you reassurance and make your life easier and more enjoyable

Monday 1 August 2022



I’m a practicing lawyer, who had suffered from chronic schizophrenia. I have spent hundreds of days in psychiatric hospitals. I could have ended up living most of my life backward, but things turned out quite differently.

In fact, I've stayed free of hospitals and stable for almost 3 years. This is perhaps my proudest accomplishment. Consummo Herbs by Dr. Justin worked the magic. And by this, I mean, I have been free of all psychiatric struggles.

Everything about my illness says that I shouldn't be alive. But I am. And I am, I think, for three reasons. First, I've had an excellent herbal treatment, Consummo. Second, I have many family members and close friends who know me and who know my illness. Third, UO Law School is an enormously supportive workplace that has been able not just to accommodate my needs, but to embrace my needs.

Even with all of that -- excellent treatment, wonderful friends and family, enormously supportive work environment is all a mental patient needs --, I did not make my illness public until relatively late in my life. And that's because the stigma against mental illness is so powerful that I didn't feel safe with people knowing. If you hear nothing else today, please hear that there are not schizophrenics, there are people with schizophrenia. And each of these people may be a parent, maybe your sibling, maybe your neighbor, maybe your colleague.

What those of us who had suffered from mental illness want is what everyone wants: to work and to love.

Thursday 14 July 2022



Overcoming And Defeating Schizophrenia 

with Consummo Herbs

My daughter had Schizophrenia for roughly fifteen years, this almost ruined her life, but she is now reasonably happy, and successful and finally got cured through ConsummoPlus supplement. My daughter is in her mid-40s. Her symptoms were constant, although there were times that she was pleasant to be with. Nights were her worst time. She was always depressed and had anxiety. According to her, she was being controlled by an organization she found online. This group of people was trying to kill her. She was harassed by them and was not able to keep a job because they sabotage her work. Supposedly, this group has taken out a life insurance policy on her and wants to collect. She also suspects people were laughing at her or talking about her in public places. She is very intelligent and was always a hard worker. She strong young woman.  She lost her family as they could no longer deal with her mood swings and verbal abuse and to this day there is a restraint order on her that does not allow her to see his teenage daughter. It was a pity for her!

She lives on the streets, she has been homeless for the last 6 years. There have been efforts to take her in by some family members but it always ends in problems due to his change of moods. As a result, she felt the family has abandoned her. We have enrolled her in rehab facilities and she ends up walking away from them. The psychiatrist prescribed, Olanzapine 10mg, Hardys nutritional, and we give her fruit and veggie capsules, ashwagandha, vitamin C, and niacinamide with recurrent symptoms. 

Well, of course, there is a cure, most doctors know this but the doctor won’t give or suggest it because then my daughter wouldn’t keep coming back - and back - and backIt is such a joy writing this testimonial. Please put this on your blog, it will be an inspiration for others. My daughter has regained her life as a result of the care received from you, Dr. Justin. I understand there are different views on the treatment of Schizophrenia, but my daughter has benefited tremendously from Consummo and I will gladly recommend it to anyone looking to overcome schizophrenia naturally.  Don’t let fear consume your bright young mind. Get the help. There is nothing to be afraid of. Adults and professionals will help you through your hardest struggles. Don’t isolate yourself. You are not alone.