Monday, 1 August 2022



I’m a practicing lawyer, who had suffered from chronic schizophrenia. I have spent hundreds of days in psychiatric hospitals. I could have ended up living most of my life backward, but things turned out quite differently.

In fact, I've stayed free of hospitals and stable for almost 3 years. This is perhaps my proudest accomplishment. Consummo Herbs by Dr. Justin worked the magic. And by this, I mean, I have been free of all psychiatric struggles.

Everything about my illness says that I shouldn't be alive. But I am. And I am, I think, for three reasons. First, I've had an excellent herbal treatment, Consummo. Second, I have many family members and close friends who know me and who know my illness. Third, UO Law School is an enormously supportive workplace that has been able not just to accommodate my needs, but to embrace my needs.

Even with all of that -- excellent treatment, wonderful friends and family, enormously supportive work environment is all a mental patient needs --, I did not make my illness public until relatively late in my life. And that's because the stigma against mental illness is so powerful that I didn't feel safe with people knowing. If you hear nothing else today, please hear that there are not schizophrenics, there are people with schizophrenia. And each of these people may be a parent, maybe your sibling, maybe your neighbor, maybe your colleague.

What those of us who had suffered from mental illness want is what everyone wants: to work and to love.


  1. Simone Bittencourt22 August 2022 at 09:32

    Thank you very, very much for sharing your story. It was so meaningful and surely helps people to try to understand what they are going through and how much mental illness can affect someone's life. You are so strong, articulate, and very inspiring. I hope you always find support, the same generosity you have with others around you living with the same condition. My son also have schizophrenia and I'm contemplating on which treatment will work for him, this testimony is all I need at this moment. My very best wishes to you! Keep sharing your story. It is so powerful and so empowering!

  2. I have a friend who is now 19 and is schizophrenic, she’s had these symptoms since she was around 12. I’m here to research more into schizophrenia because I care a lot about her

  3. I was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia years ago and I've been on medications both bad and good, I'm now on Consummo treatment and I've been on it for thing I can highly recommend to anyone with the illness or any other mental illness is looking into the Ketogenic diet also. It's been the best thing that's happened to me. Doing this along with exercise . Anyone out there struggling I highly recommend the Ketogenic diet and Consummo Herbs. it really changed my life and mindset in just few months
